¥5 购买单讲
¥59 购买本课程
lesson 001 One Nut and Two Boys
lesson 002 Clever Thief
lesson 003 Georgie Porgie
lesson 004 Cock-a-doodle doo
lesson 005 Come To the Window
lesson 006 My Son John
lesson 007 The Dog and The Donkey
lesson 008 The Donkey in Lion's Skin
lesson 009 The Foolish Wolf’s Flute
lesson 010 A Wise Counting
lesson 011 A Wise Old Owl
lesson 012 Baa Baa Black Sheep
lesson 013 Beg Your Pardon Mrs Hardin
lesson 014 Bell The Cat
lesson 015 Betty Botter
lesson 016 Grey Goose and Gander
lesson 017 Cat and Dog were Friends
lesson 018 Pussy is in the Well
lesson 019 Do You Know the Muffin Man
lesson 020  Do Your Ears Hang Low
lesson 021 Doctor Foster
lesson 022 Haste makes Waste
lesson 023 Honesty is The Best Policy
lesson 024 Selfish Friendship
lesson 025 Sheba and The Monkey
lesson 026 The Cat and The Fox
lesson 027 Night Watchman
lesson 028 Satan in Disguise
lesson 029 Silly Little Mariam
lesson 030 The Camel and The Jackal
lesson 031 The Cap-Seller and the Monkeys
lesson 032 The Crow and the Eagle
lesson 033 The Crane and the Wolf
lesson 034 The Disobedient Boy
lesson 035 The Donkey’s Brain
lesson 036 The Dreaming Astronomer
lesson 037 The Failed Cock
lesson 038 The Farmer and His Lazy Sons
lesson 039 The Farmer and the Crane
lesson 040 The Farmer and the Sparrows
lesson 041 The Foolish Donkey
lesson 042 The Fox and the Crow
lesson 043 The Fox Without Tail
lesson 044 The Giant and the Traveller
lesson 045 The Greedy Lion
lesson 046 The Hare and the Tortoise
lesson 047 The Horse Who Wanted Safety
lesson 048 The Inexperienced Mouse
lesson 049 The Irresponsible Ox
lesson 050 The Old Witch





lesson 001 One Nut and Two Boys

lesson 002 Clever Thief

lesson 003 Georgie Porgie

lesson 004 Cock-a-doodle doo

lesson 005 Come To the Window

lesson 006 My Son John

lesson 007 The Dog and The Donkey

lesson 008 The Donkey in Lion's Skin

lesson 009 The Foolish Wolf’s Flute

lesson 010 A Wise Counting

lesson 011 A Wise Old Owl

lesson 012 Baa Baa Black Sheep

lesson 013 Beg Your Pardon Mrs Hardin

lesson 014 Bell The Cat

lesson 015 Betty Botter

lesson 016 Grey Goose and Gander

lesson 017 Cat and Dog were Friends

lesson 018 Pussy is in the Well

lesson 019 Do You Know the Muffin Man

lesson 020  Do Your Ears Hang Low

lesson 021 Doctor Foster

lesson 022 Haste makes Waste

lesson 023 Honesty is The Best Policy

lesson 024 Selfish Friendship

lesson 025 Sheba and The Monkey

lesson 026 The Cat and The Fox

lesson 027 Night Watchman

lesson 028 Satan in Disguise

lesson 029 Silly Little Mariam

lesson 030 The Camel and The Jackal

lesson 031 The Cap-Seller and the Monkeys

lesson 032 The Crow and the Eagle

lesson 033 The Crane and the Wolf

lesson 034 The Disobedient Boy

lesson 035 The Donkey’s Brain

lesson 036 The Dreaming Astronomer

lesson 037 The Failed Cock

lesson 038 The Farmer and His Lazy Sons

lesson 039 The Farmer and the Crane

lesson 040 The Farmer and the Sparrows

lesson 041 The Foolish Donkey

lesson 042 The Fox and the Crow

lesson 043 The Fox Without Tail

lesson 044 The Giant and the Traveller

lesson 045 The Greedy Lion

lesson 046 The Hare and the Tortoise

lesson 047 The Horse Who Wanted Safety

lesson 048 The Inexperienced Mouse

lesson 049 The Irresponsible Ox

lesson 050 The Old Witch

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